
Ayurveda is considered to be the first medical system to nurture an individual approach. According to some sources, it is 5,000 years old and is the mother of all traditional and modern medical sciences.

What is Anti-age?

Anti-age is the concept based on part of Ayurveda called RASAYANA, meaning rejuvenation. Rasayana embodies treatments used during or after Ayurvedic detox, know as Panchakarma, with the whole process aiming to restore vitality of individual organs and body as a whole.
Antiage.hr is a place where you will be able to access practical and helpful advice, as well as ongoing events, consultation and therapies.


Rasayanas are herbs and remedies believed to help physical and mental health, support immune system end extend life span. In Ayurveda, adaptogens are called rasayanas.



Panchakarma is individually tailored detox program for body and mind rejuvenation. This unique process, approved by numerous clinical studies, includes series of procedures and therapies, special massages, deep relaxation and bespoke diet plans.


Ayurvedic consultations will help us determine your personal constitution, your overall health, your digestion, and discover any potential doshic imbalance. We will determine any problems or difficulties you might have and find the best way on how to regulate them.
Through the oldest holistic approach to health, wellbeing and balanced life style, Ayurveda allows for finding a bespoke way to achieve and maintain a balanced and fulfilled life.

Ayurveda is not just a prevention, it is not just a healing, Ayurveda is a lifestyle coexisting in the harmony with nature.


Meet us

Nebojsa Radenovic, an ayurvedic practitioner, completed Master studies of Phytopharmacy with Dietotherapy, at Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Zagreb. Specialized with a work “Systematic review of selected herbs of traditional Indian medicine – Ayurveda with Rasayana properties”.
At Maharishi University, Iowa in 2012 completed studies for an Ayurvedic Consultant, with practical placement in India at AVN Arogya Hospital, Madurai during 2013. Since 2013, regularly travels and works closely with the panchakarma stationary unit at AVN Arogya Hospital. Nebojsa collaborates with the SDM Institute of Ayurveda & Hospital, Udupi, India and actively lectures in Croatia and the region on various topics about Ayurveda.
In 2015 with a colleague Branko Markovic has set up Ayurvedic Panchakarma clinic in Istria. There, two times per year (spring and autumn) it is possible to experience real authentic panchakarma therapies. More details at www.detoxistria.comwww.detoxistria.com

In his ‘previous life’ he worked in London as a Pension’s Fund Analyst.

Ayurvedic Types

According to original ancient scriptures, Vedas, Ayurveda is a product of nature. Everyone and everything, meaning all things and beings in this world, originate from three forces present in nature, or gunas, as they are called in Sanskrit. These three gunas are sattva, rajas and tamas. Everyone within themselves has all three forces, but in different proportions, and their entanglement reflects behaviour accordant to their proportions.



purity, light, calmness



passion, desire, impulse


inertness, darkness, ignorance

Dosha test

According to Ayurveda, there are three basic types of energies or doshas controlling processes in the body.

Check what is your Ayurvedic constitution type.

Proportion of gunas in living beings is also determined by the proportion of five natural elements: air, ether (space), fire, water and earth.

Ayurveda tipovi

Gunas create three energies within living beings that control processes in their organisms. Those three energies are called Vata, Pitta and Kapha, and within every individual they are present in different proportion, and as such their optimal balance formula is individual. This is what makes Ayurveda a traditional medicine with an individual bespoke approach.


Vata energy is a combination of air and ether, characterized by the sense of touch and hearing. Within the body, vata governs movement – circulation, lymph, body liquids, information. Vata traits are dry, light, cold, fast, always on the move, subtle/intelligent, rough…


Pitta is a synergy of fire and water elements, its senses are sight and taste, and it is responsible for transformation, including metabolism, hormones, enzymes. Pitta traits are light, oily, hot, sharp, acidic/sour, tart, fluid, watery….


Kapha is a compound of water and earth, dominated by a sense of taste and a sense of smell. Kapha is made of bodily liquids and it is a creator of solid parts such as muscles, organs, bones. Kapha traits are oily, fatty, heavy, cold, slow, stable, intelligent, happy, indifferent…

Synergy and balanced activity of these three energy life forces is a prerequisite for a wellbeing and a health preservation. Ayurvedic medicine observes impact of medicinal herbs on living beings by restoring balance to the organism through use of various plants.

In Ayurveda, medicinal herb/plant impact is explained through taste and metabolic activity of energy (rasa and virya), where different tastes such as bitter, sweet, salty, sour, spicy, tart, etc. metabolically change in digestive system. That is when a final biotransformation of the taste of the herb takes place (vipaka), representing its energetic effect, known as heating, either encouraging warming or cooling of the body.

Those two different, very simplistically described energetic qualities of medicinal herbs or foods are basis of ayurvedic medicine. Something similar is present in other traditional systems, such as Chinese traditional medicine and its yin and yang model.

Ayurveda, according to ancient scripts, is over 5000 years old. It is mentioned in the oldest know transcripts, Vedas, that were, for many thousands of years, thought in an oral tradition, and were first recorded in written form between 5th and 6th century BC. It is basis of all known medical systems…Western, Chinese, Tibetan, Indian, Greek, Egyptian.

Ayurveda has been widespread in India for years, but today its popularity in West is continuously increasing. This can also be related to the increase in popularity of various traditional healing approaches, with yoga becoming popular recreation activity, but also scientific research publications confirming effectiveness of individual ayurvedic supplements.

Contact us


Podolje 34
10 000 Zagreb


Contact us for an online or live consultation 


+385 95 730 43 79


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