Ayurvedic Consultations

Concept and Approach

Ayurvedic consultations will help us determine your personal constitution, your overall health, state of your digestion, and discover any potential doshic imbalance. We will determine any problems or difficulties you might have and find the best way on how to regulate them. We will create your optimal diet plan which is basis of the good health and overall wellbeing.


We will provide you with an insight to integrated routine, exercise if required, individual recommendation for different seasons and your age. We will introduce you with the basic principals of ayurvedic cleanse (detox) in order to help you prevent toxin accumulation. You will receive all the tools that could radically improve your health, physical and mental abilities in a simple and natural way.
Traditional Ayurvedic diagnostic test includes eight checks/criteria (Ashtavidya pariksha), determining the reason for imbalance/disorders:

Mala pariksha

Feces (Stool)

Shabda pariksha

Voice and other sounds

Sparsha pariksha

Examination by touch

Akriti pariksha

General appearance and conversation


We are able to offer consultation in person and/or online.
Please choose one of the following options: individual consultation, individual consultation online or family consultations.
Reservation/Booking and payment is possible online, choose your option by clicking on “Appointment”



Diet therapy


Mr spec. Nebojša Rađenović

Nebojsa Radenovic, an ayurvedic practitioner, completed Master studies of Phytopharmacy with Dietotherapy, at Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Zagreb. Specialized with a work “Systematic review of selected herbs of traditional Indian medicine – Ayurveda with Rasayana properties”.
At Maharishi University, Iowa in 2012 completed studies for an Ayurvedic Consultant, with practical placement in India at AVN Arogya Hospital, Madurai during 2013. Since 2013, regularly travels and works closely with the panchakarma stationary unit at AVN Arogya Hospital. Nebojsa collaborates with the SDM Institute of Ayurveda & Hospital, Udupi, India and actively lectures in Croatia and the region on various topics about Ayurveda.
In 2015 with a colleague Branko Markovic has set up Ayurvedic Panchakarma clinic in Istria. There, two times per year (spring and autumn) it is possible to experience real authentic panchakarma therapies. More details at www.detoxistria.com
In his ‘previous life’ he worked in London as a Pension’s Fund Analyst.


50 euro

I want to book individual ayurvedic consultation in person. Pay by card online and secure your place.
60 to 75 min session
email report, diagnosis and recommendations
1 person
We will redirect you to the MyPos online payment system.
Individual Consultation

40 euro

I want to book online individual ayurvedic consultation in person. Pay by card online and secure your place. 
60 to 75 min session
email report, diagnosis and recommendations
1 person
We will redirect you to the MyPos online payment system.

100 euro

I want to book family ayurvedic consultation for two adults. Pay by card online and secure your place.
email report, diagnosis and recommendations
60 to 75 min session
2 adults plus children for free
We will redirect you to the MyPos online payment system.
Dr Biju Madhavan

75 euro


I want to book an online individual Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Biju Madhavan, in English. Pay by card via online payment and secure your place.


60-75 min session


email report, diagnosis and recommendations


1 person

We will redirect you to the MyPos online payment system.




Your way to balanced health starts with individual ayurvedic consultations.

During your session, ayurvedic practitioner will use ancient technique of assessment of pulse, tongue, movement, skin in order to, through conversation, identify your natural body constitution and your body type, and find any areas of imbalance that you might have.

Our ayurvedic consultations can help you understand how all different aspects of your life are connected and intertwined together, and have positive or negative impact on your current state. You will learn how your specific ayurvedic constitution, dosha, impacts your physical predisposition, mood, cravings, motivation and behavior. You will learn how simple adjustments in food, exercise, and daily and seasonal routines can improve health, strength, stability and vitality of your body.


Goal of Ayurveda?

The end goal of Ayurveda is balance between internal and external, that is physical body, mind, soul and our environment. When we are balances, we are and we remain healthy, happy and productive. In order to achieve this, ancient Indian art of healing can heal every human being in harmony with their personal characteristics. Ayurvedic treatments are based on inbred, individual, physical, mental and emotional constitution of each individual client.

Health and Illness?

Practicing Ayurveda does not start after symptoms of illness become visible. It is also not “fight against” illness or disorders. Instead, ayurvedic methods aim to remove causes of the illness that appear long before illness itself. These causes are often consequence of unhealthy eating and life habits. Ayurvedic holistic approach to health and illness means that person is always considered to be a unique individual and that the personal development, progress and homeostasis are genuinely possible only when we live in harmony with ourselves and our environment.

Ayurveda today?

Health care, ours and of our children, organic food and wellness are increasingly taking large portion of relevant market segments, at the same speed or arguably faster then global pollution of air, water and earth that is taking place before our eyes. Ayurveda offers solutions for all those needs, that have been successfully tested for over 5,000 years, proven by numerous clinical and other studies, most frequently without any side effects, and without any dogmas, placing an individual in the foreground.

Ayurvedic methods can be easily integrated in everyday life. Healthy diet, meditation, yoga and balanced food supplements are easily understandable and applicable to everything.

Disclaimer*** Ayurvedic consultations are not of medical nature and are not used in diagnostic and medical treatment of illness. They can be used as assistance, support, and sometimes as a solution to numerous symptoms for which modern medicine does not have adequate tools. Ayurveda is compatible and gives best results in a synergy with classic medicine, as proven in numerous clinical studies.



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