

Similar to all treatments, in the Panchakarma process there is a need to prepare our body for the main treatment of the actual toxin release and purification process. Success of a prescribed therapy is highly dependent on pre-purification, making preparation the most important step in the whole therapy. In our Ayurveda Detox Center Glavini we mainly use one of three major Ayurvedic detox methods: Basti or enema, Virechan or purgation, and Nasya or elimination of toxins through the nose (nasal administration).

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How to prepare your body for a detox

Two to three days prior to the Panchakarma, make sure you eat light, liquid, well cooked meals such as soups, stocks and stews seasoned with cumin, ginger, curcumin (turmeric), cayenne pepper and black pepper. Avoid red meat and hard to digest food. All kind of fats, oils, hard cheese, butter, milk, wheat, rice, sugar, meat and fish should be consumed in moderation.

Base your meals on millet, barley and as protein use dal (split lentils)
Drink warm water or herbal tea with honey
In one glass of warm water add two teaspoons of honey, and make sure you drink this two to three times a day.
Always drink warm water and herbal teas!
Always eat your next meal only once your previous meal has been fully digested! Create your daily routine of going to sleep, waking up and eating at regular times. All of this will significantly improve and assist with the elimination of toxins from your body.
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Oiling (Oleation)
Snehapana Antiage
Snehapana or oiling is a major preparatory treatment performed before the actual purification process can start. Oiling can be administered internally (as oral consumption of ghee) and externally (as abhyanga massage).
The primary aim of internal oiling is to make sure that once the body is saturated with fat, toxins and heavy metals are “melted” and expelled into digestive system from where all toxins will be flushed out during the cleansing process.
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Abhyanga Antiage
External oiling works in a similar way but through a relaxing massage called abyhanga. Warm, high quality ayurvedic herbal oil (made up of over 40 different plants) is applied on the entire body, pulling toxins out through the skin and other tissues, reaching lymphatic system and blood stream through the pores, and circulating the body, binding the toxins and placing them into digestive system, from where they will be easily eliminated from the body through cleansing or sweating.
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swedana znojenje - ayurveda
Daily massage is followed by a steaming process called Swedana, or sweating. Sweat is a natural detox system. Sebaceous glands eliminate metabolic waist and other toxins from the body as blood flow in the skin and subcutaneous tissue increases. Increased circulation improves the supply of oxygen and nutrients in the cells, thus revitalizing and rejuvenating the skin.
Increases collagen production and reduces wrinkles and fine lines
Heat improves circulation causing muscle relaxation, and restored and increased flexibility
Cleanses lymphatic system, reduces inflammation, revitalizes cells
Modern science discovered that heating the body increases a total number of white blood cells responsible for improved immune system.
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Udvartana tretman
Udwarthanam is a special deep tissue full body massage using dry herbal powders, mostly triphala, fine corn flour or chickpeas. The massage technique is performed in the upward direction, toward lymph nodes, stimulating blood circulation and elimination.
This massage is an excellent therapy for weight loss, as an anti-cellulite treatment, improves energy levels, removal of toxins from the skin, exfoliation and toning of skin, pore cleansing and body strengthening.
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Enema Therapy
Bast ili klistir priprema
Basti or enema therapy is primarily used to treat disorders of Vata dosha imbalance, including diseases and problems related to neurological and musculoskeletal system, metabolic and GI tract disorders, chronic constipation, arthritis, rheumatism, neck and back pain, migraine, gout, sexual disorders, rejuvenation process, etc. It can be administered from birth to old age.
basti is one of the prime cleansing therapies, and is administrated by the introduction of medicated oil or other fluid, depending on the specific problem, into the colon.
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Purgation Therapy
Virechana Ayurveda
Virechan cleanses toxins from blood, sebaceous glands, kidneys, stomach, small intestine, colon, liver, bile and all blood channels. This is an excellent method to resolve problems related to hemorrhoids (if there is bleeding, please schedule the appointment to resolve the issue prior to Virechan treatment), stains and facial pigmentations, various inflammations, stomach issues, acid reflux, chronic fevers and increased temperature, enlarged abdomen, etc.
Purgation helps with acute diarrhea, dysentery, slow metabolism, food poisoning, kidney or bile stones, acid reflux, liver problems, high cholesterol, rheumatoid arthritis, skin diseases and irritable colon.
This process helps weight loss, decreases tension, anxiety and stress, and improves sleep.
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Nasal Administration
Nasya nosna terapija
Nose is a doorway to the head (brain), sinuses and lungs. Nasya is predominately used for sinus problems, sensory issues (mouth, nose, ears and eyes), emotional problems, blockade, lymphatic cleanse, and cervical issues. It helps with problems above the shoulders, and consequently has an impact on a brain as well.
This treatment opens and cleanses breathing pathways and sinuses from blockages and mucus, and allows for free oxygen inflow, decreases anxiety, clearing up and sharpening sensory perception and mind.
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King’s Treatment
Shirodara tretman ayurveda
Shirodhara is one of the best known ayurvedic therapies. The treatment itself includes pouring of warm herbal oil, individually adjusted to each client, on the forehead in a continuous stream. Shirodhara is exceptional treatment, extremely effective in soothing and regenerating nervous system and senses, while activating natural mechanisms of stress relief. This treatment is calming, restorative for body and mind, and has positive impact on all glands of internal secretion.
It is successful in treatment of psychological disorders, especially vata dosha disorders, such as stress, depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, stiffness and numbness, neuromuscular disorders, cervical pains, headaches and migraines.
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Ayurvedic peeling treatment
Bags filled with medicinal herbs when in contact with warm herbal oil release active substances deep into tissues and stimulate peripheral circulation. Often used for neuro-skeletal problems, skin problems, chronic and acute pain, and as a peeling treatment.
Pinde tretman peeling
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Procedures following the Panchakarma – detox (Post cleansing treatments)

Paschatkarma is of utmost importance for the whole detox process. Metabolic fire, GI tract and physical stamina, are very week and slow due to purging process, and therefore require gradual strengthening and recovery. Otherwise, the food will not digest well and toxins could accumulate again, decreasing or canceling any benefits of Panchakarma. You should follow special dietary plan for next two to three days in order to strengthen your metabolic fire and metabolism. You will receive all necessary guidance and tools on what, how and when to eat, based on your unique constitution.



Ayurvedic detox retreat in Istria

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